Gimnastički klub Marjan nositelj je i koordinator projekta sufinanciranog Erasmus+ Programom Europske Unije pod nazivom “Family in gymnastics – Famnastics”.
U partnerstvu s Gimnastičkim savezom Slovenije i Sokolskim društvom Vojvodina iz Novog Sada, Srbija u dvogodišnjem periodu od 1.1. 2021. do 31.12.2022. kreirati će i implementirati program obiteljske gimnastike kojom će na platformi europskih smjernica zdravog življenja i prevencije zdravlja djece i odraslih promovirati gimnastiku kao sport socijalizacije najmlađih sve do najstarijih članova obitelji.
Famnastics će okupiti djecu u dobi od 3 do 6 godina života sa svojim roditeljima ili bakama i djedovima (+ 60). Europska komisija prepoznala je ideju projekta Famnastics kao alata za socijalnu inkluziju kojom će se ojačati veze unutar jedne obitelji i između ostalih uključenih obitelji koje će zajedno vježbati. Gimnastika će povezivati, stvarati zajednički interes, kreirati odnose i navike, razvijati međusobno povjerenje i komunikaciju, osjećaj međusobne potpore, preokrenuti Family time u Family fit time! Famnastics osnažuje emocionalne veze, pojačava razinu fitnessa, potiče cijelu obitelj na postavljanje i ostvarivanje zajedničkih ciljeva i jača osjećaj zajedništva i timskog rada. Pod vođenjem stručnih trenera, razvija se model „radi što i ja“ umjesto „radi što ti kažem“.
Dizajniranjem ovog projekta Gimnastički klub Marjan zajedno s iskusnim i etabliranim partnerima u gimnastičkom sportu želi izmijeniti najbolju praksu i međusobna iskustva potičući i druge sredine i kulture na Famnastics i njegove benefite. Cilj je prekogranična suradnja, implementacija i provedba korisnog projekta koji donosi brojne benefite a malo košta, osim dobre volje i modernog pristupa prevenciji i očuvanju tjelesnog, mentalnog i socijalnog zdravlja.
Nositelj projekta: Gimnastički klub Marjan, Split, Hrvatska
Partneri projekta:
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Potpora Europske komisije proizvodnji ove objave na web stranici ne predstavlja potporu sadržaju koji odražava samo stavove autora i Komisija ne može biti odgovorna za uporabu sadržanih informacija.
Family in gymnastics – Famnastics!
Gymnastics club Marjan is the holder and the Coordinator of the project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
In the partnership with the Slovenian Gymnastics Federation and The Falcon Association Vojvodina from Novi Sad, Serbia in a two – year period from January, 1 st 2021 to December, 31 st 2022 will create and implement a family gymnastics programme which will establish gymnastics as a sport of socialization of the youngest to the oldest family mambers on the platform od the European guidelines for healthy living and prevention of health of children and adults.
Famnastics is to bring together children aged 3 to 6 with their parents or grandparents (+60). The European Commission has recognized the idea of Famnastics as a tool for social inclusion that will strengthen ties within one family and between other involved families to exercise together. Gymnastics will connect, create common interest, create relationships and habits, develop mutual trust and communication, a sense of mutual support, turn Family time into Family fit time!
Famnastics strengthens emotional bonds, boosts fitness levels, encourages the whole family to set and achieve common goals, and strengthens a sense of togetherness and teamwork. Under the guidance of professional trainers, a “do what I do” model is developed instead of “do what I tell you to do”.
By designing this project, Gymnastics Club Marjan together with the experienced and established partners in gymnastics wants to exchange the best practice and mutual experiences by encouraging other enviroments and cultures to Famnastics and its benefits. The goal is cross – border cooperation, implementation and enforcement of a useful project that brings many benefists and costs little money, but good will, a modern approach to the prevention and preservation of physical, mental and social health.
Project holder and coordinator: Gymnastics Club Marjan, Split, Croatia
Project partners:
- Slovenian Gymnastics Federation, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- The Falcon Association Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
The European Commission’s support for the production of this web page does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Research report / Istraživanje – izvješće